
Showing posts from June, 2016


         In this season of unsuitable economic conditions, there is a need to track ones expenses, to know where money is going to and what it is being spent so that we can curtail unnecessary spending and wastage. We can use our money more meaningfully and it can last longer. The unreasonable unemployment level in our society calls for youths who are starting up I  life to do something proactive about their financial lives    Saving money and accumulating it to be used in some business venture or investment is a necessity for Nigerian youths. But one cannot save money if She does not have the skills of tracking expenses     For many Nigerian Youths and students, it is not that they do not have money passing through their hands. It it that they cannot account for all that money. Not armed with knowledge and discipline, even those who have rich parents or Guardians or who are under scholarships of one sort with reasona...


              Passing Examinations is an art. If you do not have the skills you will keep having poor results even when you are hard working as a student. There are powerful information that if at your disposal you will hardly fail at exams if properly implemented and I do not mean malpractice . Exams become more effortless with the right kind of knowledge.       Below are a set of 25 ideas that have been proven time and again to guarantee in exam success starting for the preparation to the exams proper. If applied your exams will become more passable than ever. -WHEN EXAMS ARE STILL FAR 1.   Get the course curriculum and a list of recommended text books and materials 2.   Gather all the materials, text books or notes from senior colleagues that you will need for this exams. Buy the ones you can. 3.   Talk to a senior colleague or someone who has written and passed the exam (better stil...


         Passing Examinations repeatedly is a skill . It goes beyond whether you are naturally intelligent or even hardworking. Even though it has been argued that exam is not the true test of knowledge, but it still is one thing students must deal with. Exams have come to stay, if you must graduate from school, you must pass all required exams. Passing exams as it is is very crucial to your future and you cannot afford to joke with it. Even after graduating from the Universities, for you to further in knowledge and in your profession, you will yet write several other exams      Exams are in different kind, written exams, orals, practicals, etc. All require different set of skills, but few things are really necessary that you put in place in preparation for any kind of exam. Knowing how to pass exams and avoiding top exam failure causes will definitely benefits your quest for academic qualifications.    Below are top 5 re...


             poor has been described as an acronym for passing over opportunities repeatedly. It is not that only the poor are disadvantaged in one way or the other, but they choose to let their situations determine their realities. Their are numerous other people in the same situations or worse who have risen above that and succeeded, beating poverty and mediocrity.              I am not being unsympathetic to the plight of the poor, but one thing is certain. Until they overcome this mindset like many other people have, they will never rise above poverty. No matter how reasonable an excuse might be, it remains an excuse. The following are top 25 EXCUSES OF the poor that if subscribed to will guarantee you a place in the committee of the poor. 1. I did not go to school. 2. My parents are poor 3. Nobody is rich in my family 4. Nobody wants  to help me 5. I am am or...


             If you cannot save money, you cannot build wealth . I don't care how old you are or how much you earn. As a student, you are probably struggling with not having enough money to meet important needs and still invest in your financial future. You may have seen the need to save money to be able to invest in a business or even a project. Money enters your hands "onww and off", but you end up not saving anything at all with the excuse that is was not enough. But when you look back, you will find that huge amount of money have actually passed through your hands with no savings or investment to show for it. Another fact against you is that there are several other people (am sure you know one or two of them) who receive far less money than you do from there parents or Guardians who live off the little money they have and still have good savings. Some of them have gone ahead to do great things with the accumulated little savings the...


         Once you are a youth, Either in the University, any tertiary institution or still completing your O-Levels or even waiting for admission; You must have heard this cliche a lot. "face your books". From Parents, teachers, seniors even friends. You are probably tired of hearing it. As if reading is the only thing you should do with your life as a student. There is even a new one.  " leave Facebook and face your books" Used to harass students. It is unfortunately the statement has so much been used and  misused that it has almost lost any message it was meant to pass across by whoever first said it.    I want to submit to you, that irrespective of who is saying it and for whatever reason. That saying is not a mire cliche for harassment. You are a youth, young with a future to prepare for. There is a job you must do and do now in preparation for your tomorrow, Whether in the tertiary institutions or O-levels. Most of us are actu...


            Everybody wants to succeed, only those who know what they want actually get it. It is not enough to want to succeed, what do you want to succeed at? One of the greatest causes of failure in life is lack of clarity . When people cannot exactly point at what they want out of life,  who they want to be, what they want to be good at or where they want to succeed.      Every successful man is successful at something not all things. No body is good at everything . You are either successful in business, sports, ministry, etc. Even in either of them like in business, you choose a specific line of business, a particular product to sell or service to render not all. In sports you can be good in football or basketball or athletics as the case may be but never in all. It is difficult to see a professional footballer who also is a professional swimmer. Even if he likes swimming and can swim. He only has time and ene...


          Virtually everybody who has involved in crime has someone or something to blame for their actions. Some of the excuses would be so good that people will even sympathize with them to the extent of justifying their actions. But is any form of crime really justified?     A girl would paint the picture of extreme poverty and how she became an orphan at an early age and having younger siblings to fend for. No body she met was willing to help her, so the next best thing is to go into prostitution. A boy will say of how he has graduated from school long ago and the government has not provided him Job. And since an idle mind is the Devils workshop, He went into armed robbery. Public commentators will blast the government for the level of unemployment in the society as it is leading our youths into crime and terrorism.       Yes the situation is pathetic, and of a truth, the government should provide gainfu...


            Everybody do not go to school, for obvious reasons. Either lack of the financial means which is the biggest reason or shear lack of zeal for academics, many people end up not going to school. I advise people to go to school despite all challenges, I even wrote post on how to go to school when there is no money . However this post is for youths who have valid reasons not to be in school. Money being the greatest challenge.       I have an advise for you. What to do with your life to ensure you still meet up with personal and society's expectations and become the person you are created to be in life without wasting your  life. That you will still meet up and fulfill destiny, because the truth is that the society of today is not merciful on school drop outs or people who didn't go at all.     First, I want you to understand that you are not doomed if you didn't go to school now . You st...