I used to think that maturity was about age and physical development, how wrong I was. I have since found out that age is only but a number. below are 20 definitions of MATURITY that paints a perfect picture of this great indispensable life quality 1.... Maturity is when you accept other people the way they are and their level of maturity. 2.... Maturity is when you understand that your ideas are not always the best. 3.... Maturity is when you learn to let go even if it pains. 4.... Maturity is when you are able to drop expectations from a relationship and give for giving sake. 5.... Maturity is when you understand whatever positive thing you do, you do is for your own peace. 6.... Maturity is when you stop proving to the world how intelligent you are. 7.... Maturity is when you stop comparing yourself with others because life is not a competition. 8.... Maturity is when you understand that you cant and shouldn't always get what you want every time. ...