
Showing posts from November, 2016


I used to think that maturity was about age and physical development, how wrong I was. I have since  found out that age is only but a number. below are 20 definitions of MATURITY that paints a perfect picture of this great indispensable life quality 1.... Maturity is when you accept other people the way they are and their level of maturity. 2.... Maturity is when you understand that your ideas are not always the best. 3.... Maturity is when you learn to let go even if it pains. 4.... Maturity is when you are able to drop expectations from a relationship and give for giving sake. 5.... Maturity is when you understand whatever positive thing you do, you do is for your own peace. 6.... Maturity is when you stop proving to the world how intelligent you are. 7.... Maturity is when you stop comparing yourself with others because life is not a competition. 8.... Maturity is when you understand that you cant and shouldn't always get what you want every time. ...


    You may already know that Nigeria is the largest black nation in the world and the most populous nation in Africa.      You may already know that Nigeria has great dependency on crude oil, plus all the other opinions of David Cameron. Here are 20 unpopular facts about Nigeria. 1. Are you aware that all over the world Nigerians are setting the pace and becoming the standard by which others measure themselves? Do you know? 2. In the US, Nigerians are the most educated immigrant community. Type it into Google and you’ll see it. Not one of the most educated, the most educated. 3. 60% of Nigerians in the US have college degrees. This is far above the American national average of 30%. 4. Nigerians in US are one of the highest earners, typically earning 25% more than the median US income of $53k. 5. In Ivy League schools in Europe and America, Nigerians routinely outperform their peers from other nations. 6. A Nigerian family, The Imafido...


      Martin Luther King Jnr famously said “no lie can live forever”. I assembled a team of MMM critics and together we spent days researching the dark secret behind MMM’s unbelievable 30% return on investment promise. Our recurring question was “how has MMM consistently delivered 30% profit for millions of people”? We sought to find out first from participants, majority of whom seem not to have a deep understanding of how the 30% is being generated. Our questionnaire was filled with answers like “I don’t know o but it is real. You better join us”. Other comments include the following; “it is God sent, it is a miracle in this recession. God sent mmm”, “I think it is a fraud but I want to make as much as possible before they run away”. The feedback from our questionnaire left us with more questions than answers. A few people tried to explain that MMM operates on banking principles. This got my team and I more confused. We decided to visit their website to re...