10 Habits that make you smarter
You might have thought that you stop learning anything significant when you leave school or university, and that your intelligence levels are pretty much set, but you can keep on increasing your knowledge right through your life. You don’t even need to go back to school and study full time to make yourself smarter, you can add to your intelligence every single day. If you want to improve your knowledge and understand more, here are ten simple habits that will make you a little bit smarter every day. 1. Read more . This is one of the best tips on how to make yourself smarter. Books are an amazing source of knowledge, so get into the habit of reading at least a couple pages of a book every single day. It doesn’t have to be a lengthy reference book to make you smarter, even an average novel will probably teach you something you never knew. Whether it’s a book, a magazine or a newspaper, the more you read, the more you will learn. 2. Check out the Discovery Chanel on TV ...