2 Things You Need More Than Money To Succeed

TWO THINGS YOU NEED MORE THAN MONEY TO SUCCEED.. It's very true that a lot of dreams die due to lack of start-up capital. But sometimes lack of capital can also be an excuse to remain in your comfort zone. Two things you absolutely need to start your dream journey today even if you have no money are CREATIVITY and COURAGE. CREATIVITY will help you put two and two together and know how best to start with whatever is currently available to you. No matter who you are; everybody starts with what they have. For most people, what they have is not enough to finish, but what you have is always enough to start something. It takes CREATIVITY to know what you have, where it can take you and where exactly to start from. The decision to start from where you are is the most important one you can ever make. Years later, you may be rejoicing you started now or regretting you should have started Now. Most people regret starting too late rather than starting too early. Initial failures...