
Showing posts from August, 2019


A Lot of people find discovering purpose a hard thing to do. It shouldn't be. It has been with you all your life. Here is this formula. When you are passionate about something, it drives you towards knowledge in that thing. Knowledge drives you towards competence.  In due  time you become an expert. One way to know your passion is to examine your current interests. What catches your fancy? What would you rather be doing in perfect conditions? What do you desperately want to learn about? If you say you love singing, and after several years you still can't sing well. Forget it, you are not passionate enough.  Your love for singing would have driven you to know a lot about it, join choirs, bands, sing a lot, get a role model-mentor, join singing competitions, seize every opportunity to sing in church, to the extent you start singing really well. What are the things you have a lot of knowledge in already?  Watch out, that could be passion drivi...


Dear Nigerian youth, there is a mindset that is robbing you of your relevance and delaying your big break. It is the idea that "I am still a student" Question : What do you do for money? What is your occupation Answer : I am a student. Me : Like seriously? The mindset of  "School vs Labour market" That after  finish school then you enter the labour market. As if the two are mutually exclusive. Whoever said you must put your life, your ideas, talents and passions on hold because you are in school didn't tell you the truth. Whoever says you should  "concentrate in school" at the expense of your big idea and discovered purpose didn't do you a lot of good. That mindset has delayed and killed so many good ideas, talents and passions. It has stifled the spirit of creativity and reduced maximum productivity among African youths. The labour market is not waiting for you to finish school. Your destiny should not be played w...


3 THINGS HOLDING YOU BACK (part 3) I promised to do a 3 part series on the things holding you back from launching your ideas, they include: >> Perfect timing >> Perfecting your skills >> Start up Capital Bonus >> Where exactly to start from The first two posts are somewhere on my timeline you can check them out today i will talk about the 3 thing holding you back, which is: 3). START UP CAPITAL. Many business and valid  ideas have died untimely deaths because the Owners couldn't get past the "funding stage". I usually think it is very unfortunate. Every business that survives must go through this stage, because essentially Capital is a very indispensable factor of production. Ultimately every Idea needs funding with money at one stage or another, if not for start-up then for necessary expansion.  The problem becomes when the idea doesn't kick off at all on the excuse of "start up capital." Because you see; any...

3 Things holding you back (part 2)

I started a series on this topic days back and on the 3 major reasons you are yet to launch your idea and start that project or business you  have been brewing for ages. Considering that starting is the most important step in a journey of success and maximum impact. Today the lets take the next major reason for inactivity NO 2. PERFECTING YOUR SKILLS AND IDEAS Many creative people are incapacitated by the need for perfection in their skill or talent. And they use this as a perfect excuse not to start working on their Big ideas just yet They safely say that they need more skill, more knowledge, better experience, more research, more and more of something else. This is understandable considering you have not done what is intended before, as a matter of fact nobody may have ever done it before. That's why its a big idea right? Take a look at Facebook today. Can you imagine the difference between the sophisticated platform we have today compared to the first ev...