A Lot of people find discovering purpose a hard thing to do. It shouldn't be. It has been with you all your life. Here is this formula.

When you are passionate about something, it drives you towards knowledge in that thing.

Knowledge drives you towards competence.
 In due  time you become an expert.

One way to know your passion is to examine your current interests. What catches your fancy? What would you rather be doing in perfect conditions?
What do you desperately want to learn about?

If you say you love singing, and after several years you still can't sing well. Forget it, you are not passionate enough. 

Your love for singing would have driven you to know a lot about it, join choirs, bands, sing a lot, get a role model-mentor, join singing competitions, seize every opportunity to sing in church, to the extent you start singing really well.

What are the things you have a lot of knowledge in already?  Watch out, that could be passion driving you.

What you have an interest in knowing already, 
is likely what you will have an interest in knowing more. Its likely what you will want to be expert at. Its likely what you want to do with your life.

It isn't cast in stone, but one thing is for sure: Your current interest is connected to your passion. And your passion is very closely related to your purpose.

If you want to find purpose, Look around passion, and if you are searching for passion, do not go far from interests and already established competencies.

Any great thoughts about discovering purpose?

See you at the top.

© Adiemea Obed


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