2023 is here, it's another 365 days to do life. We must maximize it to get the best out of the new year or allow it pass us by. 

Below are 5 areas you should focus on to make 2023 a great year in our own Life irrespective of what other people are saying and doing.

This is the most important of all, it influences every other area of your life. If you are spiritually healthy and eating balanced spiritual meals, the chances that every area of your life will be healthy is over 50%. 

It's not 100% because you still need to focus and do work on any area for you to see progress there. But the spiritual is no one area to pursue stability. It influences and increases your chances at Financial, Relational and Physical health among others without doubt.

I know from experience that I am fine in all areas to the degree my spirit is doing well. Every area picks up, finances, career, relationships etc. You become scattered, battered and defeated once your spiritual Health is out of order. Do not take your Spirituality for granted in 2023


This is a highly neglected but indispensable area of life. Health is a Crown, Only the sick know that. When a man is sick, everything else comes to a stand still until he regains health. If you are not healthy you cannot pursue Money or Career success. 

Sickness puts negative pressure on your relationships, finances and everything you hold dear. 

Do everything within your power to stay healthy, prevent being sick in 2023. 

Eat healthy, exercise regularly, play safe, drink responsibly, drive safely, visit your doctor, do not patronize quacks. 

Stop using unverified and untested products and concoctions. 

You know those unhealthy practices you should avoid this year, stop gambling with your life and that of your loved ones. 

This is one more reason spiritual Health is vital, it can afford you divine health and healing.


Money is one thing that influences every area also. Money answers all things. Your life will be unnecessarily hard without money. 

Your options will be very limited,your best desires suppressed and your voice silenced without money.

Money is so important that people equate it to spiritual and physical health. People chase it at the detriment of the first two (Spiritual and Physical and health).

Truth is, money can help you preserve your health, it will also help you practice and explore your spirituality fully, but it is not more important. Do not let money rule you, do not sell your soul for money.

That said, You must increase your financial position in 2023. You must look for legitimate ways to Make more money, multiply your wealth and preserve your estate.

Without saying this, you already have that plan. My advice is that you follow legitimate and legal means and not through evil or crime. 

There are countless legitimate online hustles and skills that can make you a millionaire with proper knowledge, focus and Repetitive practice. Affiliate Marketing, Crypto trading, Blogging, Youtubing, E-commerce, Social media Management, copywriting Freelancing, I can teach you Amazon KDP Publishing.

Seek to learn from a successful mentor, learn first, even if it means paying alot for the knowledge, then practice, fail and retry till you become skilled and successful.

There are also numerous offline businesses and skills to learn and earn from. Please pick one to focus on and develop in 2023, avoid distractions and watch your life lift financially.


One area that puts the most pressure on your life is relationships especially from your immediate family and close friends. Relationships with your Spouse, Parents, children, and siblings should be worked upon and improved upon this year. 

Try to work on any close relationship that is defective from last year. Any relationship that affects you closely should not be left strained; it will affect your productivity. 

Decide who should remain in your space and who should go. Decide who you should draw closer to and who you should give space to. Who you follow determines what follows you and the doors that open to you. 

Maintain important relationships. Be humble to know people you need that do not necessarily need you, and people who need you that you don't necessarily need now. 

Give more than you expect in return in a relationship. But only give what you can afford. Do not lose yourself chasing after a relationship, know where and when to stop.

Relationships can make or Mar you. Choose them wisely in 2023


This has to do with your chosen field of play in life. Your vocation is where you have decided to make a difference in the world, it could be your Professional Career or Your calling. Your vocation points to your purpose and what will ultimately grant you fulfilment in life.

Some people are not yet in their preferred profession/Career because of money, time or something else. You must draw a plan that eventually leads there and pursue it step by step this year. 

By year end, you must have made significant progress towards arriving at your preferred profession. You who are already in your preferred vocation should make deliberate efforts to grow yourself next year, climb the ladder to the next level.

While some people's finances are tightly tied to their vocation/career, it's important to separate the two. Make money within and outside your career if possible, else you may end up sacrificing one for the other. 

If all your money comes from one place-Career, You run the risk of sacrificing your career for money or sacrificing your finances for your career, none of them is a good place to be in.

This is why your finances should be separated and worked on separately and your career growth worked on separately. Both of them will compliment each other.


These are not the only areas but the most important, victory in these 5 areas will guarantee you holistic success. I wish you God's power and speed in the new year as you go on to conquer 2023. 


© Dr Adiemea Obed
Business strategist, Author, Thought Leader


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