AUDACITY - How Kings Ascend and Reign

The most consistent character by which kings reign is called AUDACITY.

Kings don't have Audacity because they are kings, their AUDACITY took them to the throne.

No man ever achieves anything great without Great AUDACITY. No man ascends the Apex of any industry without loads of it.

Any man we celebrate today took several AUDACIOUS steps to get to the place he is now.

Most people that are higher than you today are not there because of more talent, but more Audacity. 

They were willing to take a step everyone considers crazy. They do things people think are higher than them. 

They attempt projects that need all their strength plus supernatural help to Achieve. Do that this year.

Kings rush in where angels fear to tread.

The Biggest problem of talented Poor people is lack of Audacity. They have more talent than courage to launch out. Make sure you leave this group ASAP.

Without Audacity, you Languish in obscurity with your mighty potentials. 

The Opposite of Audacity is Timidity and Cowardice. That's a terrible place to be in life. Life punishes timidity, my Mentor would always say.

Life Rewards Bravery and Audacity.

Audacious Politicians Achieve far More
Audacious Entrepreneurs Achieve more
Audacious Lawyers Win far More 

Audacious People Achieve More with their lives. The only man that scratches his potential is the man that dares to do big things

The Audacious Man with no talent always gets the job before the Timid talented one.

The Audacious man will win the contract because he was foolish enough to bid for it amidst hundreds of interest.

Some people have never done anything audacious in their lives, they have never done anything daring ever, that's why their lives are a definition of mediocrity. They prefer hand-me-down favours and lucky breaks. 

Don't be that person this year.

Dare to do Big things. Attempt Audacious projects. Try achieving AUDACIOUS goals.

Let your life have some trills, the excitement that comes from audacious ventures. 

See You At the Top

© Dr Adiemea Obed
Thought Leader, Writer, Business strategist.


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